At how many intervals should you clean carpets-rugs to enhance their life?

If you have the same question, then there are few things that decide how often you have to deep clean your carpet. Do you want to know about those factors? Let's have a glimpse of them. 

1) Traffic Area 

2) Size of the carpet 

3) Regular cleaning 

These three things affect the decision. If your carpet or rug is in an area where there is the continuous moving of you and your family members, then you should hire professionals every three to six months. 

In the second situation, if you have a large carpet, then also you will need to deep clean it within six to eight months because bigger rugs and carpets absorb more dirt. 

You should vacuum your carpets and rugs frequently; otherwise, the life of your carpets will decrease. It is advisable to hire professionals in three to six months if you don't clean your carpets regularly. 

In opposite scenarios of the situations as mentioned above, you can hire professionals every eight-twelve months. But remember one thing you have to hire only the best professionals for carpet cleaning in NYC

If you are wondering how you can choose the best company for carpet cleaning in NY. Then here are some tips for you. 

• Ask your family members or friends if they know any best carpet cleaning company, and if they don't, you can go researching about the company all by yourself. 

• Check the experience of the professionals because an experienced staff will provide you with better results than an inexperienced one.

•  Check the ratings and reviews of the company. If they have positive reviews, then you can select them. 

•  Check the price of the services. To get the best don't forget to compare the price of different companies. 

You can also help your carpet or rug to have a longer life span. Are you wondering what you can do? Then there are few things that you can do on your behalf. 

  1. Vacuuming 

Vacuuming on a regular basis is one of the most efficient (and cost-effective) ways to remove dirt from your carpet. However, you must ensure that it is completed correctly. It would be best if you vacuum daily in high-traffic areas like entrances and ground-floor hallways, living room, kitchen. Vacuuming areas with moderate traffic should be done daily, or at least 3-4 times per week. 

  1. Spot Treatment

Individual stains can significantly reduce the carpet's useful life. It's one thing to get rid of dirt, but it's another to get rid of a stubborn stain. Stains can also be quite unsightly, prompting you to replace the carpet sooner than they might otherwise.

You have to treat the stains very quickly. Otherwise, they can ruin the whole look of your carpet. 

  1. Hiring professionals 

Hiring professionals will provide you with the kind of cleaning that is essential for your carpets and rugs. Professionals have the techniques, methods, and products to clean your belongings with utmost care. Your carpet should be professionally cleaned from time to time (which may differ for different areas based on the state of the carpet, usage, and traffic).


Now you are well aware of when your carpets need to get cleaned by the professionals and what you can do on your end. So, don't waste time and hire the best professionals now!

Business Name: Local Carpet Cleaning NYC

Target Location: New York, NY, US

Phone No: 917-565-8932


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